Archie is a sweet slow and steady guy. As one of the taller lesson horses we consider him a "gentle giant". Now in his mid-twenties you will see him mainly do beginner walk-trot classes, and therapeutic riding! Archie was previously a mountain trail and pack horse with Finley, but his calm and quiet demeanour allowed him to quickly adapt
Archie is a sweet slow and steady guy. As one of the taller lesson horses we consider him a "gentle giant". Now in his mid-twenties you will see him mainly do beginner walk-trot classes, and therapeutic riding! Archie was previously a mountain trail and pack horse with Finley, but his calm and quiet demeanour allowed him to quickly adapt to arena work. He is now the favourite horse of many new riders to Mission Ridge Stables.
Bella is an incredibly sweet 16 year old pony that came from a wild pony herd in southern Alberta! While this "wild" streak still comes out on occasion for adult handlers, she is always gentle and kind to children. Bella is currently on a break from riding due to a stifle injury, but we are hoping she will be able to return to work soon.
Brea is one of our most special lesson horses! She is a 24 year old Standardbred Mare, registered as "Royal Flies Home". Any person of any age or confidence level can ride Brea and feel safe; she always looks out for her rider! Being miss-reliable, she has done riding and therapy lessons for many years, and has taken part in 4H as well. W
Brea is one of our most special lesson horses! She is a 24 year old Standardbred Mare, registered as "Royal Flies Home". Any person of any age or confidence level can ride Brea and feel safe; she always looks out for her rider! Being miss-reliable, she has done riding and therapy lessons for many years, and has taken part in 4H as well. We often get asked if Brea is sick because she makes a snoring sound when she breathes. Don't worry; for her, it is perfectly normal!!
Meet "Ventano de Corazon" our 17 year old Peruvian Paso Fino gelding!! This guy is known around the barn as Casimiro, a name that was given to him by his previous owner meaning "Warrior of Peace". Cas is a gaited horse who is incredibly comfortable to ride. Unlike normal horses, when he moves faster you do not "bounce" on his back. It's s
Meet "Ventano de Corazon" our 17 year old Peruvian Paso Fino gelding!! This guy is known around the barn as Casimiro, a name that was given to him by his previous owner meaning "Warrior of Peace". Cas is a gaited horse who is incredibly comfortable to ride. Unlike normal horses, when he moves faster you do not "bounce" on his back. It's so much fun for riders to try! Cas has a sweet personality and will do anything for you for a few treats.
"Equinox Midnight Comet", otherwise known as Comet is a 24 year old Rocky Mountain x Tennessee Walker horse. Comet was donated to our lesson program last year and swiftly became the favourite of many beginner riders! As a pretty laid back horse who prefers to take things slow, he is a quiet guy who loves to hang out with little people. Ou
"Equinox Midnight Comet", otherwise known as Comet is a 24 year old Rocky Mountain x Tennessee Walker horse. Comet was donated to our lesson program last year and swiftly became the favourite of many beginner riders! As a pretty laid back horse who prefers to take things slow, he is a quiet guy who loves to hang out with little people. Outside on a trail ride Comet will perk up and walk out nice and forward... he loves to lead the group!
Finley is an early-twenties quarter horse cross mare. She came to Meadow Ridge Stables with her buddy Archie after serving as a mountain trail and pack horse for years. When Finley first came she was very reluctant to work in the indoor arena without a horse being directly in front of her; this is very normal for horses who are used to wa
Finley is an early-twenties quarter horse cross mare. She came to Meadow Ridge Stables with her buddy Archie after serving as a mountain trail and pack horse for years. When Finley first came she was very reluctant to work in the indoor arena without a horse being directly in front of her; this is very normal for horses who are used to walking nose-to-tail on a trail ride! With time Finley has settled well into our lesson program and now loves to work independently; she has even shown that she enjoys jumping!
Jasmine is an Arabian mare in her late twenties. Her story was a sad one as she was originally bought at an auction by meat truck buyers who were ready to haul her away. Roxanne couldn't stand the thought of such a beautiful mare getting on that trailer and begged the buyers to sell Jasmine to her. They agreed and she became the best $500
Jasmine is an Arabian mare in her late twenties. Her story was a sad one as she was originally bought at an auction by meat truck buyers who were ready to haul her away. Roxanne couldn't stand the thought of such a beautiful mare getting on that trailer and begged the buyers to sell Jasmine to her. They agreed and she became the best $500 investment possible! Jasmine has done some barrel racing, jumping, lots of trail riding, and therapeutic riding. She has a strong work ethic but is quiet and gentle enough for any kid to ride. Don't let her age fool you; there is tons of life left in her!
JD aka "Jim and Deanna" is a 12 year old Thoroughbred gelding. Before being donated to Mission Ridge Stables, JD competed up to 3ft in the show jumping ring all over Alberta. His jumping career was limited after he developed some arthritis in his neck following surgery for a guttural pouch infection. This means he will walk and trot with
JD aka "Jim and Deanna" is a 12 year old Thoroughbred gelding. Before being donated to Mission Ridge Stables, JD competed up to 3ft in the show jumping ring all over Alberta. His jumping career was limited after he developed some arthritis in his neck following surgery for a guttural pouch infection. This means he will walk and trot with his nose in the air; we often refer to him as a giraffe! He retired from the competitive ring and came to Meadow Ridge to become a lesson horse. JD has a rocking chair canter and will go all day if you let him. Many beginner riders enjoy his easy steering, and more advanced riders love his competitive streak!
Max is an 11 year old welsh pony x gelding. Before coming to Mission Ridge Stables, Max participated in gymkhana events where he did things like barrel racing and pole bending!! He is a quiet sort of guy who enjoys being brushed and fussed over, and isn't phased by much. We are excited to see what the future has in store for Max!
Meet "Whiskyjack Pepic Twist" better known around here as Pepsie, our most famous pony!! Pepsie is a 19 year old welsh pony gelding. He is a calm sort of guy who doesn't get worked up over anything (unless treats are involved!) He is a great lesson pony who will safely and quietly carry any rider, but he does not work hard for free! Pepsi
Meet "Whiskyjack Pepic Twist" better known around here as Pepsie, our most famous pony!! Pepsie is a 19 year old welsh pony gelding. He is a calm sort of guy who doesn't get worked up over anything (unless treats are involved!) He is a great lesson pony who will safely and quietly carry any rider, but he does not work hard for free! Pepsie will wait for the rider to really ask him to work before he trots or canters. We often hear that he is stubborn.... but actually we would say that he is just a little bit too smart!! Pepsie has done a little bit of everything, but is awesome at barrel racing and has shown a talent for jumping as well! He is well known to the kids for our "Meet a Pony" sessions and gives hundreds of pony rides every season.
Rosie is a 6 year old welsh pony x mare. We bought Rosie in 2020 as a prospect for our lesson program, and have been very impressed with her demeanour and work ethic! When she first came she would stress and sweat just standing in the cross ties, but now will stand to be groomed and tacked up with no problems. Rosie has started off in our
Rosie is a 6 year old welsh pony x mare. We bought Rosie in 2020 as a prospect for our lesson program, and have been very impressed with her demeanour and work ethic! When she first came she would stress and sweat just standing in the cross ties, but now will stand to be groomed and tacked up with no problems. Rosie has started off in our programs with more experienced and confident riders that enjoy a forward horse!
Prince aka "Teeplay" is a 7 year old thoroughbred gelding. Before retiring from the racetrack he ran in fourteen races, and even placed first in two of them. He is new to the program and suits confident riders that like a forward horse! He is very sweet and enjoys coming up to the fence for treats and scratches. Prince has a natural affinity for dressage, with a balanced trot and lovely canter.
Regina is a 24 year old Appendix mare. This means she is a cross between a quarter horse and a thoroughbred. She spent her years as a lesson horse at Hope Mission before coming to our barn.Regina has a quick but smooth canter and still enjoys going out for trail rides and working. She is slowly but surely figuring out how to trot cross ra
Regina is a 24 year old Appendix mare. This means she is a cross between a quarter horse and a thoroughbred. She spent her years as a lesson horse at Hope Mission before coming to our barn.Regina has a quick but smooth canter and still enjoys going out for trail rides and working. She is slowly but surely figuring out how to trot cross rails, even though she is used to the jumps being on the ground!
Scarlet is a 14 year old appendix mare. She is new to the program as of 2021, but became a quick favourite of our many adult riders. Scarlet has a ground-covering canter and likes to pretend even cross rails are 3 foot fences.
Spike is a 17 year old fjord x quarter horse gelding. We got incredibly lucky finding this gentle guy and had to act fast to go meet him. We just had a good feeling, and as soon as we met him it was clear that he would be an excellent lesson horse. Spike has settled into the lesson program like an old pro, and has quickly become a favourite of our instructors!
Supree is an Appendix mare in her early-twenties. She has been with the owners of this stable for a long time, and was purchased from auction many years ago! Even in her 20's Supree enjoys teaching kids and adults how to canter, and will go over small jumps as well. Despite being impatient at times on the ground she is a gentle, patient, and caring horse who takes care of her rider.
Sylvester ("Silver") is an Arabian gelding in his late twenties. He was previously a lesson horse at Hope Mission with Regina before coming to our barn. Sylvester is one of those special horses who any child can ride. He is slow and steady, and an excellent babysitter when he needs to be! Sylvester enjoys walk/trot lessons and going for t
Sylvester ("Silver") is an Arabian gelding in his late twenties. He was previously a lesson horse at Hope Mission with Regina before coming to our barn. Sylvester is one of those special horses who any child can ride. He is slow and steady, and an excellent babysitter when he needs to be! Sylvester enjoys walk/trot lessons and going for the odd canter. His sweet and kind disposition is loved by many of the kids and adults at the barn!
Daisy is a 7 year old fjord mare. She pulls our big sleigh and wagon with one of the other fjords. When pulling in a team, she likes to hang back and make the other horse work! Daisy had a foal last year, Milo, and was an excellent first time mother!
Dolly is a 6 year old fjord mare who also pulls our sleigh and wagon. She is a workaholic and a very forward moving horse. Dolly enjoyed acting as a second mother to Milo and raised him with Daisy for the first months of his life.
Doug is a 13 year old fjord gelding. He came to our barn broke to drive but was very skittish and not trusting of people. He didn't even know how to eat treats out of your hand! Doug has come a long ways and still needs treats to convince him to let you scratch him, but forms a bond with people that interact with him regularly.
Bumblebee is a 4 year old Halflinger pony x mare. You might know her mom - our lesson pony Bella! Bumblebee was started under saddle in 2020 and has shown the same great personality that her mom has. She definitely has some pony quirks, but will make a great addition to the lesson program one day!
Jax is a 3 year old Clydesdale x Thoroughbred gelding. Standing at 17'3hh, he is not done growing and will be very tall when full grown! Jax is well known at the barn for his big and goofy personality.
Milo is a 1 year old Percheron x Fjord gelding. He was born on April 30th in 2020. His birth day was quite dramatic as he had very windswept (crooked) legs, and he was having a hard time figuring out how to drink. We weren't sure if he would make it, but he ended up thriving and growing up to be a strong colt! Milo has a laid back personality and enjoys being groomed and fed treats.
Bananas is a 6 year old miniature pony mare. She is commonly known around the farm as "Banana Boots" because of her tendency to boot new ponies that enter the pen! She is a sister to Tinkerbell (yes! Even with the big size difference!). Bananas used to enjoy wandering free in the yard and joining people when they had a bonfire.
Brownie is a 16 year old registered miniature pony mare. She was purchased from auction with our other mini Sweet Pea. Both came in rough shape but started to thrive once they were out on grass. Brownie is a spirited mare who doesn't let any pony tell her what to do. She is gentle towards kids though, and is often a favourite for pony obstacle courses!
Fabio is a 3 year old miniature pony gelding. He is one of the taller mini's and has a huge personality! Fabio wasn't gelded until he was 3 years old so he still shows some "studdish" behaviour - mainly squealing and rearing when he sees new horses or ponies! He is a very sweet pony though and enjoys being groomed and handled.
Juliet is an 8 year old miniature pony mare. When we purchased her she was very timid and anxious, but she did trust children! Over time Juliet has grown to be a very friendly and laid back pony. She is broke to ride and to drive and is an essential part of our mini's for mini's program.
Moose is an 11 year old miniature pony gelding. He is a very versatile mini who is broke to ride AND drive! Moose has pulled a sled through the snow as well as a two wheeled cart, but does prefer eating treats over working hard. He's well known for having one of the thickest and most beautiful manes out of all of the ponies!
Pumpkin is a 5 year old miniature pony mare. She was purchased from an auction in 2019 and was quite fearful! It took time to win her trust but she is now very friendly and enjoys being brushed and dressed up.
Rico is a 1 year old miniature pony colt. He is new to us and our programs! When he arrived he had some serious dreadlocks going on under his mane and all over his coat. With lots of grooming and attention we are slowly learning more about his sweet and spunky personality!
Romeo is a 7 year old miniature pony gelding. Standing at around 40 inches he is one of the taller ponies. Romeo was lightly broke to ride but prefers to have a leader that he can follow. He enjoys being brushed and fussed over by all of the children that visit Mission Ridge.
Sweet Pea is a 10 year old miniature pony mare. She sustained an injury to her shoulder years ago that caused arthritis to form in the joint. This is why you may see her walk with a limp! True to her name, Sweet Pea is very gentle to people and enjoys attention whenever she gets it. Despite her size and her injury she has a big personality in the pony pen and is one of the boss mares!
Thor is a 7 year old miniature pony gelding. He is one of the quietest ponies who enjoys being lead around and brushed by children. Thor had a sad past and was also purchased from auction in poor condition. You would never know it though, because he is such a happy guy!
Timbit is an 8 year old miniature pony gelding. He is a small mini with a very sweet personality and some of the cutest eyes you'll ever see! Timbit loves to get attentions from both kids and adults.
Tinkerbell is a 7 year old miniature pony mare. She is directly related to our other pony, Bananas! Tinkerbell was purchased from an auction with her mom who was pregnant at the time with Bananas. Their mom was severely neglected, so we believe Tinkerbell's smaller size is in part due to the poor diet at the previous home. This has never
Tinkerbell is a 7 year old miniature pony mare. She is directly related to our other pony, Bananas! Tinkerbell was purchased from an auction with her mom who was pregnant at the time with Bananas. Their mom was severely neglected, so we believe Tinkerbell's smaller size is in part due to the poor diet at the previous home. This has never affected her though and she has the personality of a much bigger pony! Tinkerbell is very special to the barn and absolutely loves kids.
Mango is a 25 year old miniature donkey. She has one of the most gentle souls you will ever meet, but does enjoy running around and kicking up her heels once in awhile! Mango can be dressed up with any costume you can find, but enjoys being fed carrots as treats too.
Salsa is a 12 year old miniature donkey. In her previous home she was meant to be bred, but occasionally had an abnormal gait in her hind end (she lifted her legs up quite high) so they decided to sell her. We haven't noticed her moving this way yet, but always keep an eye on it! From the day she arrived, Salsa was a natural kid's donkey and was happy to be brushed and dressed up with no fuss.
Wanda, registered as "James Bond's Miss Money Penny" is a 15 year old miniature donkey. She came to Meadow Ridge with her sister Willow in 2020 to be a part of our programs. As you can see in her photo, when she arrived she was incredibly obese!!! Over the last year with a proper straw diet and dirt paddock, Wanda's weight loss plan has been hugely beneficial to her and she is a much healthier donkey now. She is incredibly sweet and kind, and is working on her manners when being led around!
Willow, registered as "James Bond's Dynamic Jinx", is a 13 year old miniature donkey! She also arrived on the farm with a significant amount of fat deposits on her body and has slowly been looking better and better. Willow is an attention hog and likes for all scratches (and all treats!!) to be focused on her. Like all of the other donkeys, she has a sweet and kind disposition.
After many long years of companionship we said goodbye to our dear friend Jafar on August 15th, 2021.
Jafar was famously known as Mission Ridge Stables’ oldest horse. Originally called “Silverbird”, he was born on April 22nd, 1977. He was purchased decades ago from an auction where they were bidding against the meat buyers. From the day he came home until the day he died he was fun, loving, and full of energy.
Chores are going to be a little quieter from now on; Jafar’s favourite time was mealtime and he would always whinny when he saw the food wagon coming. He absolutely loved to be brushed or scratched and would wrap his neck around you to give a “hug”, and run after you when you went to leave!! Gentle enough for even small children to lead or brush, he had endless love to give.
Jafar was never a lesson horse because he was a bit of a wild child! His life under saddle included lots of endurance riding, trail riding, and racing other horses. His energy would always show outside where he refused to just walk- he would do a prancing trot or canter on the spot instead! In his 40’s he always made us laugh as he continued to demonstrate this bouncy trot when going in and out of the barn. Jafar was the happiest and most energetic horse, even as a senior. Though his body grew older, his heart never aged.
The days are long, but the years are short, and it never feels like we have enough time with the horses we love.
Rest In Peace Jafar, you are so so missed.
Often called “Alphagetti” by the kids, Alfie was a once in a lifetime kind of horse. He served many years at “Camp Evergreen” in Southern Alberta before coming to Mission Ridge Stables for semi-retirement. This was a big change from the 7 hour work days he was used to! He loved to be groomed and fussed over and was calm and quiet under saddle. Unfortunately, a slip outside ended his riding career when he fractured his hip. Even with months of stall rest and rehabilitation, the injury caused arthritis and muscle imbalances in his hind end. Despite this, Alfie was still a happy guy and enjoyed his time out in the field grazing, and coming in for kids to brush and dress up. We will always remember Alfie for his bright kind eyes, and gentle soul.
In his late years, Uncle Jessie was known as a quiet and kind therapeutic riding horse. He also did the odd beginner lesson from time to time where he would show off his fancy movement at the trot! We believe in the past Jessie was a dressage horse based on his natural head carriage and floaty stride. He was a horse with a big personality, who had the slowest walk you can imagine inside the arena, but out on a trail ride was almost impossible to keep up with!! Jessie had a strong fighting spirit, and was always fiercely protective of his horses and his humans. Never to be underestimated, even in his old age he would defend his four-legged and two-legged herd if he perceived any kind of threat; including chasing off coyotes! In spite of the heartbreak of saying goodbye, Jessie reminded us every day of why keeping senior horses is so worthwhile.